Tuesday, December 1, 2015

uber mom

I spend a lot of time driving.  A lot.
5:45 drove Hannah to seminary.
6:40 drove Ethan to 0 period geometry.
7:20 drove Grace to school.

1:45 picked up Ethan.
2:45 picked up Hannah.
3:30 picked up Grace from ballroom
4:00 dropped off Hannah for tech week and Ethan for soccer (at the same time, different places? yes super mom on the job, able to be in two places almost at once)
5:00 took Grace to piano
5:30 picked up Grace and Ethan (super powers activated again)
6:00 took Grace to cats
8:00 picked up Grace (still scheduled)
8:15 picked up Hannah (ditto)

And people wonder why I don't work :)

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