Hectic has become the theme song around here. So much to do. So much to get done. So many things to treasure and enjoy.
Yesterday we went to the pool with the Streeters in the evening. So nice.
Tonight the girls washed the car and then went to the pool. Yesterday they weeded Arden's garden. Chores are more fun with two!
Grace and Arden washing the car |
Today was a full day. As soon as I got everyone out the door and off to school I came home and Jamie came over. She is painting for us and she's doing an awesome job. She got started and I told her I was going visiting teaching so I left. Dixie and I had two appointments but the first one took over 2 hours so we had to cancel the second. During those two hours I got a call from Jodie, who is leaving town for a wedding and who just ordered new pitchers for the church and who needed to get them to Kitty for a different wedding tomorrow night and could she bring them to me to get to her. Sure.
Then I got a call from Jennifer, who was having a showing on her home (also for sale) and could she come over and just have a place to sit with her book and her dog. Sure.
Finally Dixie and I finished our visit and drove home. I invited her in to see the paint and we were greeted by two poodles (well Z is a mix but you know) and Ashley (the Guinea pig who also had to leave the house) and Jennifer and Jamie and my house in such a torn up construction zone. I had to just laugh. I made sandwiches and we sat and had strawberry pie and watched James work and talked and had so much fun.
Jenna in the DR |
This evening we went to Christianna's graduation party. Then while we were on our way Rob got a text from Pete saying he had dropped by so after the party we went there to say hi and visited for another hour.
How I will miss my friends and our life here.
Clayna took a trip to the Dominican Republic this week. I've seen a few photos and talked with them once and it sounds like they are having a fun adventure! Can't wait to hear all the details when they get back!
getting ready for some cruising fun! |
This cute girl is getting ready for summer and is getting too grown up . Crazy!
love these 3 Sierra, Noah and Andrea |
Sierra has been spending some time in Arizona with Andrea and her family. I am looking forward to seeing her soon! It's hot there, in AZ! Look how cute and big Noah is getting!!
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