Thursday, January 2, 2014


it's 11:45 pm.  Snow was predicted but all we had was rain all evening so I wasn't hopeful.  I was reading my book, the kind you can't put down.  Rob was sleeping next to me when he sat up and asked me to turn off the light because then they wouldn't see me jump out of the helicopter, whatever.  He has the weirdest dreams.  I did turn off the light though and went to sit on the side of the bathtub to finish.  When I finished and closed the book, happy for a happy ending I thought "I wonder..." and peeked out the window.  Snow! I couldn't believe it.  Maybe no school tomorrow.  Maybe another day home with my kidlets, we might see a movie, we might make pancakes.  Then I was too happy to go to sleep so I tiptoed to Hannah's room expecting to find her snoozing...nope, she was awake.
"Hannah, it's snowing!" I whispered!
"What!!" then we both did a happy dance.  "Do you think there will be school tomorrow?" she asked. Ever the responsible one I said I don't know...but I really I think not.
"Why are you awake?"
"I can't sleep, you haven't updated your blog in a couple of days and it's annoying, I like to read about what I've been doing."

So, like a good mom, sitting on my daughters bed, past midnight on a school night, we are whispering and giggling and she is drawing and I am blogging.  The picture, fyi, is a random one from her hard drive.

It's like a little snow present!

Speaking of presents today, or yesterday I guess, is was Clayton's birthday.  I am slowly accumulating sons.  For a long time I had one, Bub.  Then I got Greg, and now Clayton.  It's a happy mother who has a bunch of boys to love.
Clayton is an awesome young man (said granny).  I am ever grateful for the happiness he brings to Jenna and the love they share.  She is really happy.
I'm not sure I know 25 things about Clayton but I'll try:
1. He is tall and blond and athletic.
2. He loves the Lord.
3. I remember meeting him for the first time in Utah and thinking how funny and kind he was, easy to be around and open.
4. He proposed to Jenna in the most romantic proposal story EVER.  The Mrs Bennett in me loves to tell the story :)
5. When he came to our house for Christmas, when he and Jenna were engaged he was so helpful and fun.
6. He did the dishes.
7.  He stood on a ladder holding a very heavy homemade chandelier on his head balancing precariously while his soon to be FIL screwed it into the ceiling.
8.  We went to hear the Lyons girls perform, and he fell asleep.  I still liked him though.
9.  He played marshmallow gun wars with Ethan.
10. He is a good student and almost done with school.
11. We are so proud of him and that he has a job secured already.  I know he will be great.
12. He is not shy.
13. I love that he tells the truth no matter how hard it is to say.
14. Sometimes he emails interesting things to me, which I enjoy.
15. He likes burgers, for the record that is also Papa's favorite food, and you can't go wrong being like Papa.
16. He has a awesome family.
17. It was super fun to meet them at the wedding and to see the love they have for each other.  It makes me happy to know that Jenna is part of that new family now.
18.  He is loud.
19. He is an eagle scout.
20. and a return missionary.
21. I remember one time talking with him and Jenna on Skype and I was telling them about a funny question I had to answer during a would you rather game.  He answered opposite from me, and J revealed something that could have been would have been to me anyway, but he just laughed.  I love that he is confident and easy to joke with and doesn't get upset.
22. Those will be invaluable qualities as they live their lives together and raise a family.
23. I am happy my future grandchildren will have him as their dad.
24. He is knows the scriptures and reads them every day.
25. Happy Birthday Clayton!

Today the kids went to school.  Tomorrow who knows?
Yesterday,  Wednesday, we putzed around the house and made some brownies.

Now I am caught up.
Good night :)

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