4th grade lunch duty is a little like the movie Groundhog day. It's the same thing every every day. Every day Ben's dad makes him a delicious looking sandwich, with a tomato and lettuce and cheese and meat. Every day Ben tells me his dad made it, he eats his chips and cookies and drink and whatever else and throws away his beautiful sandwich. Every day Lexi sits on the corner of the last table and opens up her lunch bag which always holds one thing, half a sandwich, a bag of popcorn. She eats it slowly. Faith comes and sits by her and shares food off of her tray. Faith and Lexi are cute girls, but definitely part of the have not crowd. Every day Cheyenne runs in and hugs me. Every day Paco struts in, he is a nice boy, smart and popular and boy can he dance. He has a little entourage that are silly and crazy, their table is loud. The front table is always a group of smarty pants with lunches made with love from home. Finn with his cute glasses and Harrison in his crocs, Julia who always dresses so cute and Lauren. Brandon and Jillian sit by the water fountain. They eat fast and leave plenty of time for getting in trouble. Across from them sit Nathan and Shawn and their crew. They are done eating before everyone else has even sat down, the jump up quick and grab the brooms
to help to run around the cafeteria checking out what everyone else is doing. Every day teeny tiny Marissa eats a few bites of her lunch while buzzing about her table telling everyone what's what. Then she asks to report go to someone in the office what she ate (her mom is worried about her). Every day. Every day we turn off the lights and tell the kids to turn off their voices. Every day someone spills their tray. Every day I look at the clock and count down the minutes while I make laps around the cafeteria reminding kids to eat, settling disputes, admiring their newest joke or trick or hair style.
Lu is coming along with her piano songs. She is going to be in the school talent show. Today Z and I took a walk around the square while she had her lesson. It was nice out.
Lately we've been watching Dirty Jobs. It's pretty interesting. Lots of jobs out there I would not want. bloodworm harvester, broiler cleaner, monkey rehabilitation facility caretaker to name a few.
This is day light savings time week. Not a great week. Kids don't want to go to bed, kids don't want to get up. Everyone is tired.
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