Monday, November 21, 2011

strangely tired...and worst night sleep ever.

We've been busy, staying up late, doing things, working.  Yesterday I had  to get up early for ward council  and the children fell asleep during sacrament meeting, well Hannah did and Ethan almost did.  Lu was too busy sticking candy cane stickers on her face.  Tired was catching up with us.

After church Maggie and Daniel came over, Miss  H went to the McCombs.  I fixed lunch then sat down on the couch and fell asleep.  When I went to sleep the four kids were playing beyblades...when I woke up 3 hours later they were playing hide and seek.  Somehow they survived my negligent care.  I am not normally a napper and was very surprised.  In the meantime R had gone upstairs and also took a long nap. 

Around 4 he left to go visit his friend Clint, who recently got out of the hospital and I went to meet with KT about her personal progress and to trade kids back.  We got home and made dinner (chicken taco salad) put Lu to bed (she was playing at Maggie's house until 10 the night before while R and I went to see Breaking Dawn and was grouchy) and then Pete and Joey came over to HT us.  When they left we cleaned up the kitchen and put in HP7 to watch.  R went upstairs to bed around 8.  Very very unusual.  Before 9 we turned it off and went up as well.  I turned off all the lights and neither H nor E switched them back on to read...very very unusual.  We were all in bed by 9 ready to sleep.

I fell asleep pretty quickly but had the most interrupted sleep.  I kept waking up.  I kept having strange dreams.  At one point I dreamt that I wanted to take the kids to DisneyWorld and was trying to convince R and he was saying no it's too expensive.  Then he suggested we go camping in Orlando instead, that would be just as fun (he doesn't do camping) and I agreed (what?? clearly not the same thing), once we got there our friends the Harts were there and said they had 2 extra tickets so R said "great, I will take Lu" and I was so  mad and thought that was so unfair...he doesn't even like Disney!  Then in real life he moved toward or touched me or something and I went flying out of bed.  Landed on Millie and hit my eye on the metal frame, cutting it.  Strange.  I have not fallen out of bed since forever. 
I continued to sleep fitfully and was happy when my alarm went off (never happens). 

So I feel rested...but what a weird night.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like all the tiredness is a Breaking Dawn late night casualty and I guess you can be grateful "Jack " didn't manifest in your restless sleep night
