I haven’t done a catching up with everyone post in awhile.
Cat: continues to try and fit in bags and boxes. Runs around like a crazy guy. Attacks Ziva with “purr”- poseful glee. Keeps Grace company.
Ziva: seems to be doing better with her bladder stones. We are anxious to see her progress when we go to the vet at the end of the month.
Grace: busy! She’s in the school musical so stays after for rehearsals until 6 most nights. She’s also preparing for solo and ensemble competition for band. She likes her new private clarinet teacher, would like to find a place to take riding lessons, hates her science teacher because she loves science and doesn’t feel like she’s learning a lot. She has lots of friends. Struggles with EDS. She’s a lot of fun to be around and has a very kind heart. She’s growing up to be a lovely young lady.

Ethan: doing well. He’s practicing driving and we are all anxious for him to be liscensed. He loves to play video games with his CA friends. He has made some good friends here and they do crazy stuff like put on speedos and jump into the alligator lake at 10pm off the end of the dock in January! Doing well in school. Likes his seminary teacher. Tries to play sports as often as possible. Goes running regularly. Is funny and kind. Never puts his dirty clothes where they belong and joins me in the can’t sing a note contingent of the family. He loves to play and to watch all sports.

Hannah and Sawyer are busy at school. Their new apartment is so cute and they are happy to be living there. They’ve had friends over for game nights. Hannah is enjoying being back to classes and getting her ceramics grove back. They are looking for part time jobs and not loving the cold. 22 degrees is no fun!
The Johnsons are doing well. Ruby and Cora can pull themselves up into stuff. They eat everything but just as a hobby. Mostly they nurse. They are sleeping better but are still fussy pants! Jenna is planning a big birthday party for them and they are the cutest bambinos ever! Luckily J & C have a big circle of friends to help them weather the trauma of a twins first year, and yet another frigid Akron winter!
Sierra moved into her own apartment. She has 2 roommates that she likes. She’s driving Lyft and Uber. I wish she’d move here and work for Disney! But she’s happy and figuring out what to do so that’s good.
Dani is starting a new business, “Dash of Sun”. It’s a spray tan business. They are converting their laundry room into a spray tan room and she already has a couple appointments set up! The girls are busy going to school and Marshall and Bentley do “preschool” with Dani. I actually haven’t heard any Greg updates lately. I think he’s not serving in YM right now. I’ll have to ask. I also wish they would move to Florida but you know what they say about wishes? !

I am trying to be better. I am enjoying my wide margin Book of Mormon and am trying to read it faithfully. I did awesome during the challenge and want to keep that up. I also am trying to add some more good thing to my life. Like yoga ...so far I have only thought about doing it. And developing my talents.
I had planned to apply at Disney right after Christmas and now Grace is in the musical and is having a very unpredictable schedule and Ethan’s ride home from school when I can’t pick him up, Hailey, moved to Utah over the Christmas break. So I’ve hit a bump. Seriously how do working moms do it? How do they take care of home and hearth and get their kids where they need to be and go to work??
Rob is having a growth year at work. There have been many changes and challenges for him, that he chose for himself, but that hasn’t made them any easier. And he’s been having health struggles. And he had a challenging calling (cubscouts). So he’s good but it’s not easy:) He loves to fish, is getting back into biking and also loves his video games (is that still what you call them if you play them on the phone?) He also loves to watch college football. We have a couple shows we watch together on tv too. And we’ve been doing well at going to the temple each Tuesday night.