Saturday, December 31, 2011

NYE (6 year old style)

Today was a great last day of the year.  Jenna watched the kids and the Brandts, R and I went to the temple.  It was wonderful to be there with the people I love most, in the place I love most.  It's so peaceful and calm and I loved sitting next to my girl and then quietly visiting after. 

When we were done we went to Bobby's Burger Palace for some delicious burgers and shakes.  Then we came home to celebrate:
 We dressed up, made treats, decorated, rented movies,  blew our horns and made merry. 10pm.  cuz our babies needed to go to bed and the new year is as much a state of mind as it is a minute on the clock.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Another fun fun day.  We went to the movies this morning, R and E went to see War Horse, the rest of us saw We Bought A Zoo.  It was really cute.  Then we went to Asahi for lunch.  Fun and delicious.

Later on R took Greg for a Lockheed tour and the girls and I made cookies.  Tatum is a good baker :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

so much fun at the zoo (and I'm not talking about our home)

Today was zoo day!  Love the zoo!  We rode the metro down (always part of the fun), then did the hike to the zoo.  It was a bit chilly but really for December it was nice.  We could bundle up and it was okay and although not all the animals were out we got to see plenty and the ones that were out seemed lively and happy.

 We got to watch the giant panda lumber around.  He had a great time and was so fun to watch.  Tate liked him and so of course Mimi and Grandpa got her a stuffed one to take home with her.
 We enjoyed the lion, who put on a show roaring, the elephants that were literally jogging in their enclosure and playing with their toys and the always favorite tamarinds and elephant nose shrews.
 R took a nap in the think tank while the rest of us watched the orangutans get fed and Bub almost lost his lunch in the ape house, because he thinks it stinks!
 Lu bought a new member for her herd, a cute little brown elephant she named "zookeeper".
 And we played on the playground.
When we got home we went to Salsas and ate the most delicious dinner. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 Today we went bowling.  It was so much fun.  We were there for three hours, we are all really bad so only played two games in that time but it wasn't packed and so it worked out great.  Our first game was played in the traditional fashion.  Our second game we played charade bowling, which the kids loved!
R won both games.  Lu won the charades part of the game.

 Tate liked bowling but spent as much time dancing to the music and running around as anything else.  After we went to Ledo's for dinner.  The food is good and our server was awesome (Sierra) but still every time I go there something is annoying. 

Oh well it was a good day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mount Vernon

Tatum and Mimi and Mommy
So happy to have them here!!!

 We went to Mt Vernon today and had a great time.  It was raining the whole day but besides being a little wet and chilly we had fun.  We got to go to the 3rd floor again, see Aladdin the adorable camel, tasted some chocolate, ate at the cute little inn and just enjoyed being together. 

 Sierra and Jenna.  Cute sisters.
 playing dress up in the children's discovery room and a little romance with Martha and George ;}

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday!!!

Happy Happy Birthday!! Today Si is 21, now she can buy spray paint and rent cars!  Whoo hoo!!

21 Things about Sierra
  1. She is smart
  2. She's got a great brain for math and logic
  3. She is even tempered
  4. She is kind
  5. She is beautiful inside and out
  6. She loves art
  7. and is a wonderful artist
  8. She plays the piano (but doesn't tell anyone so shhh)
  9. She is good at assembling things
  10. She is a good cook
  11. She is funny
  12. She is a great friend
  13. She is unpretentious
  14. She is a hard worker
  15. and great at saving money
  16. She is dependable
  17. and helpful
  18. She has a great smile
  19. She is the athletic
  20. and coordinated
  21. and I love her very much, I am so proud of the woman she has grown up to be.

Merry Christmas!!

 We had a great Christmas day.  Lu has really been looking forward to it and woke up many times last night asking if it was morning yet.  We had planned to open stockings then go to church and then when we got home to open the gifts under the tree.  However the kids couldn't wait and we ended up opening some in the morning before church and the rest after.
 It was really nice to go to church on Christmas day.  We had a wonderful program, I especially enjoyed the musical numbers and seeing all our friends and sitting with my family. 
 When we got home we got back into jammies and spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's company, opening and playing with gifts and eating yummy food!
My three monkeys

This is my favorite present that Lu got, isn't this the cutest little kitchen! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

 We had a good day.  R and E,H went back to help paint some more.  They all really enjoyed helping and were glad they got to go again.  S worked and then she and J went to the mall.  Lu and I did some errands.  My kitchen torch is dead so I have been searching for a new one all week and would you believe I could not find one anywhere?  Crazy.  I am making creme brule tomorrow but now I don't know how I will carmalize the top :(
We did a lot of cooking, Lu. 
We had the missionaries over for dinner. 
 Lu helped Daddy open the cider. 
 After the Elders left we opend our Christmas Eve pajamas! surprise!  Then read scriptures and had prayers and put Lu to bed.
 I went back into the kitchen to do some cooking from tomorrow , and Lu joined me, so R put her to bed.  Then she joined me while I was cleaning up...and I put her to bed.  Then she came down again and got put back to bed and finally she fell asleep.
 While I was writing my talk for tomorrow (at 10pm- yes the talk I have known about for 2 months) she came in my room to ask if it was morning yet.  Not yet.
Now it's midnight and Bub just came in to check....still not morning. 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Paint party

We had a very fun day helping our friends prepare to move!  Thanks for sharing your day with us :)
Tonight R and I are going to an adult party!  Whoo Hoo! Should be fun.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Crazy dayz

Counting down to Christmas is making everyone a little crazy.  Sierra has been working like crazy.  Jenna went ice skating, the kids played with friends, we worked on some cub stuff and watched a special on crazy trees around the US, including one made of lobster traps and one that held a 300 person choir.  Hannah loves hair and is always trying something creative. Tonight she's giving "sock rollers" a try.  Crazy girl!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

third times a charm

Introducing Gloria Eloise, the good enough mermaid.  She's not perfect but she's cute.  Hopefully Tate will love her.

Hark the Hearld Angels Sing

Ethan and Lu singing with friends
Some of the gang in the hallway
Robert, Alexis and Jenna

Bethany, Katelyn, Madeleine, Chelsea, Melanie and Han

refreshment bar

Tonight the YW/YM, scouts and activity day girls all went Christmas caroling together at the nursing home.  We had a huge group and it was a little crazy but I think the residents enjoyed it.  After we split into three groups for refreshments.  The youth came to our house.  It was a fun Christmasy night!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

6 going on 16

 The kids have been playing.  Yesterday Ethan played with Webb and Grant in the morning and Matthew in the afternoon.  In the morning they rode bikes and played soccer.  In the afternoon they played soccer, then wii soccer, then at the playground, then some more soccer, then watched youtube video's  Lu played with Julia and built a fort with all our bedding in the linen closet.   Jenna played with Brian and Sierra went to work.  Hannah tortured people and watched TV.
Today we had family cleaning hour.  I let everyone choose their jobs.  Lu wanted to clean the toilets, she is newly proficient at it and thinks it is very fun to "clean with poison".  She also did sinks.  Ethan emptied all the trash cans and wiped the kitchen cabinets and cleaned his room.  Jenna fixed the linen closet and Sierra washed the windows, Hannah vacuumed the house and I cleaned the kitchen including the fridge.  It was so fun for me to work along side cheerfully working children.

Then Lu invited Mags over.  Ethan played with Webb and Grant and later he had Eric over, Hannah invited Chelsea.  Jen had Bri and Sierra went to work.

Sierra and Jenna also went to the dentist and had no cavities and oddly they each have one wisdom tooth (only) on the lower left of their mouth that they need to have removed. 

Brian and Jenna making peppermint pinwheel cookies for me to take visiting teaching tonight

Chelsea and Hannah wrapping gifts

It's great to have minions!